A Woman’s Body

In our society, women’s relationships with our own bodies is a tumultuous one. We are taught to be critical of our bodies so early on it becomes second nature. That if we are carrying fat around our belly’s, or anywhere besides what’s sexually trendy at the moment, we are less than. That if we are to be perceived nude it is sexually for the male gaze. We should be skinny and posed elegantly. That the purpose of a woman’s body is for male consumption. started making these images to reject these notions. To show a woman’s body is allowed to exist in its raw and beautiful glory. In movement, in poses that don’t fit the mainstream narrative of a woman’s body. In all it’s beautiful and natural shapes, rolls, stretch marks, skin discoloration, etc. This is what a living, moving, breathing body OFTEN looks like.


Feminine Flora


Floral Fusions